
This policy (“Policy”) sets out the way Real Life Homes collects, handles, and processes the personal data of our customers and website visitors (“Users”). If you have any questions about this Policy, please contact us at [email protected].

Types of personal data we collect
The personal data we collect from you will depend on the services we provide to you. The type of information we collect may include:

  • identity information including your name, address. …
  • contact information including your email, phone number, ..
  • transaction information including your credit card number
  • profile information including purchases, preferences, feedback, usernames
  • user behavior information including how you utilize our website, products and services
  • marketing information regarding your preferences in receiving marketing information and actions
  • technical information including IP address, login information, program type…

When do we collect your personal data?
We gather data about you when you:

  • request to receive marketing material
  • view our website
  • request products or services or book a property
  • provide us with your own data regarding the use of our website and any other data you post on our website, email or generally send to us
  • otherwise, provide data over the span of any collaboration between you and us.

How do we use your personal data?
We will use your data in the following ways:

  • to have the ability and communicate with you via phone, fax, SMS, call, email, mail and/or any other appropriate communication channels;
  • to reply to questions and comments we receive from you;
  • to provide the products, goods, facilities, programs, services, loyalty incentives, and similar activities as you may requested or require;
  • to inform you of any changes to our products, services, facilities, and/or loyalty incentives which may affect you via phone call, fax, SMS, email, mail and/or any other appropriate communication channels;
  • when it is required for our legitimate interests;
  • to allow us to supply you with the products and services and information that you have requested;
  • to assist us in the development and the improvement of products and services;
  • to provide information about products and services that may be of interest for you, using the email address you have provided or over social media;
  • to invite you in order to participate in marketing activities, such as responding to interview questions or completing forms for surveys;
  • to forward marketing communications, including social media pages where you hold membership;
  • to secure that content of our website is presented in a highly effective manner for you;
  • to collect data about visitors on our site automatically, e.g. browsing patterns by using cookies;
  • to ensure network and information security, in order to maintain our website;
  • to avoid fraud actions and other criminal offences;
  • in each case and as long as these interests are in line with applicable law and your legitimate rights and freedoms; or
  • where you have already agreed to this for specified, explicit and legitimate purposes; or
  • where it’s necessary for legal requirements and obligations.

We may contact you from time to time in regard to marketing purposes relating to our products and services and our website, unless you have requested that you do not agree to receive marketing material communications. We will contact you, for these marketing purposes by electronic means, such as email or SMS, only in case you have agreed on this. Your agreement is optional to the use of your personal information for these purposes and if you deny to provide your agreement, visiting and using our website will not be affected.

Marketing withdrawal: you are entitled to withdraw from receiving marketing communications at any time and free of any charge by using the contact details provided by this Policy or by using the option to unsubscribe, included in marketing e-mail you have received from us.

Market actions
When contacting you to invite you to participate in marketing actions projects, such as questionnaires or online surveys, we will only use your personal data for the purpose of the specific actions or project you have agreed for. This personal data records will be (once the project has been completed) removed from our systems.

How do we share personal data?

  • with affiliated businesses and organization;
  • with businesses, providing services on our request or in your favor;
  • with law enforcement authorities and regulators, where it’s required to act this way by law, where required for the purposes of avoiding fraud and other criminal offences and to ensure network and information security; and
  • with social media channels, including but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Analytics, LinkedIn, in anonymized forms.

Over our website, we offer the ability to share content on social media pages, e.g. Twitter, Google, Facebook. The equivalent social media provider will directly gather your personal data right after you have signed up as a visitor to their website. Please read carefully the privacy policies of social media channels in order to learn more about what personal data they collect and use from you.

Cookies may be used on this website. This allow us to personalize your visit to our website by keeping records of your details about using our website as a file on your device. It is possible to disable cookies but the functionality of web pages or your access to our website may be limited.

Furthermore, our website may use advertising cookies. These helps Real Life Homes to be advertised through the internet by showing to you relevant Real Life Homes advertising based on the websites you have visited. This procedure can be done by placing a cookie on your device. Cookies allow Real Life Homes to show you advertisements that may be relevant to what you have previously viewed. For more information about other cookies and how it is possible to disable them please read the section regarding Cookies below.

We retain your personal data for the period required to the specific reason or reasons for which it was received from you, which are set out in this Policy. We may keep data which has been anonymized for longer than this period in order to be able to analyze the interest to our products and services.

Your rights
As subject to applicable law, you may have the right to: obtain confirmation that we hold personal data about you, request access to and receive information about the personal data we maintain about you, receive copies of the personal data we maintain about you, update and correct inaccuracies in your personal data, object to the processing of your personal data, and have your personal data blocked, anonymized or deleted. The right to access your personal data may be limited in some circumstances by local law requirements. To use these rights, please contact us by email at [email protected].

Changes to this Policy
Changes may be made from time-to-time to this Policy and will be displayed on this website. As soon as changes are displayed, they will begin to have effect immediately. The version of the Policy that will apply to you is the one which is current at the time we contact you, you are using this website or our services.

Linked Websites
Any websites that may be linked to our website are subject to their own privacy policy.